
About Suffolk's whole population - and place

Suffolk residents, how the population is changing, and what Suffolk might be like in the future.

Suffolk's Joint Strategic Needs Assessment is created as web pages, PowerBI dashboards, PDF documents, infographics and other formats.

Suffolk statistics are compared to England where possible. Smaller areas of Suffolk are contrasted with the whole county. 

This page groups JSNA content most relevant to place. To see everything related to the JSNA, go to the main JSNA page or search the report index.

The infographic is a Suffolk overview - use it with other JSNA data & resources. Where indicators have been colour-coded, this shows statistical significance compared to England data. 

Dashboards - data visualisations

These are regularly updated with the latest data. 

Place lookup - enter a Suffolk postcode to see which areas it's in.

Population (Suffolk summary) - age, ethnicity, sexual orientation and other data from sources including the 2021 Census.

Place-based needs assessments - about the populations in each Integrated Neighbourhood Team area, and the two Primary Care Networks in Waveney.

Housing and the environment (Suffolk summary) - includes housing demand and affordability, house-building figures, home heating, private transport availability and travel to work.

Web reports

Each web page links to information divided into different documents.

Housing and Health Needs Assessment (2024) - includes separate chapters on unsuitable, unsafe, unhealthy, or insecure housing.  

Suffolk Census 2021 - JSNA analyses of the Suffolk data as well as links to maps and data downloads from the Office for National Statistics. Each report is also linked below.

The Public Health and Communities team have also created a resource for developers and decision-makers; on wellbeing and planning (2023).

Documents (PDF reports, presentations and infographics)

Report index

Filtered to show the most relevant resources for place.