Place-based needs assessments for Suffolk.

Place-based needs assessment dashboards (PBNAs) are focused on a place, and the needs of the population in that place. They are created for Integrated Neighbourhood Team areas (INTs) and local authority geographies. In addition to information about health and care, they include information on housing, education and poverty, as they can affect people's health and wellbeing: they are wider determinants of health. Most of the information is taken from public data, but information is also included from Children and Young People's Services, Adult and Community Services and Health datasets.

INT members include local councils (Suffolk district and borough councils as well as services from Suffolk County Council), the NHS (including GPs, community healthcare, members of the Integrated Care Board) and local organisations. PBNAs give INT members evidence about the communities they serve, and the needs of those communities. This informs decision-making and service planning.

The place-based needs assessment dashboards replace the previous written reports which were originally published in 2020. The dashboards are interactive and are automatically updated with the latest data available. High-level written summaries, based on the latest data used in the dashboards, will be published later this year.

To provide feedback, or for any queries, please complete this short form.

For other local statistics, please visit the Suffolk Observatory or contact the Knowledge and Intelligence Team.

This map shows the areas covered by place-based needs assessments (PBNAs):

  • 14 Integrated Neighbourhood Team (INT) areas
  • 2 Primary Care Network (PCN) areas (South Waveney and Lowestoft)
Map of Suffolk shaded to show integrated neighbourhood team areas and the two Waveney PCNs
Map of areas covered by PBNAs

PDF summaries based on the latest (2022/23) data used in the PowerBI dashboards are coming later this year.