Throughout 2024 and 2025, we hope to inspire and support you and your loved ones to make some small changes that could lead to big wins for your health, wellbeing, and overall quality of life.
Get ready for some exciting transformations!
Throughout this time our Small Changes, Big Difference campaign will focus on different topics providing you with the knowledge, tools and confidence to improve your lives for the better.
Check out the pages below as the year unfolds and follow #SmallChangesSuffolk on social media
Get clued up on your drinking habits and start making small changes to your lifestyle that you, your family and future self will thank you for!

Supporting you to make small changes that will help you to achieve a more active lifestyle.

Stopping smoking is the best thing you can do for your health. Feel Good Suffolk is your free stop smoking service. More details coming soon...

Support Squad
Our aim is to provide parents and carers of young teens with the training, resources and support needed to help young people in Suffolk navigate life when it gets...

Mental Health
Campaign launching 2024/25

Campaign launching 2024/25