Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA)

Describing the health and wellbeing needs and assets of Suffolk.

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Key points on Suffolk's population with links to more information in the JSNA

APHR 2020 four drawings of diverse people each drawing is shaded: green, yellow, red and blue.

What's the JSNA about?

The Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA) assesses the health needs of Suffolk's population to improve the physical and mental health and wellbeing of individuals and communities.

 The JSNA underpins the Joint Local Health and Wellbeing Strategy produced by the Suffolk Health and Wellbeing Board.

Cartoon of person in blue shirt coming out of computer screen with speech bubble.

Core JSNA products

Annual Public Health Reports
Annual Public Health Reports for Suffolk.
State of Suffolk
Overview of Suffolk's health and wellbeing.
The Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment for Suffolk.
JSNA reports
Suffolk Joint Strategic Needs Assessment - information about the health needs of Suffolk's people.
JSNA blog
The monthly JSNA blog for Suffolk.
JSNA resources
Evidence and reports supporting the JSNA.

The JSNA aims to answer questions about our local population.

  • How many people are there?
  • What are they like? (demographics such as age and gender)
  • Where do they live?
  • How healthy are Suffolk residents?
  • What factors influence this?

We gather quantitative and qualitative evidence from public and restricted data sources. This may include service outcomes and views collected from local commissioners, providers or service users.

We analyse this in reports and tools to inform commissioning and service development.

Every JSNA is different...

There is no template that must be used, and no mandatory data that must be included. Reports can be web pages, dashboards, documents, presentations or videos.

The JSNA is not just one document - it is a rolling programme of reports and is a central resource for health in Suffolk. 

JSNAs often include more detailed needs assessments:

  • for an area (a district or an Integrated Neighbourhood Team area), like our place-based needs assessments (PBNAs)
  • for groups of people, such as those likely to have poor health outcomes)
  • on wider determinants of health (social, economic and environmental factors, such as housing)

There's a searchable JSNA index (PowerBI) to help you find the right content.

Other JSNA products

Cost of living
Resources on the cost of living & how it affects Suffolk residents.
Terms and abbreviations used in public health.
Suffolk Census 2021
Information about Suffolk from the 2021 Census

For more information

Email to suggest a topic for the JSNA.

SODA (the Suffolk Office for Data Analytics) maintain the Suffolk Observatory and produce additional reports.