Over 20,000 people in Suffolk benefit from a free NHS Health Check every year.
- If you are between 40 and 74, you’ll be offered a free NHS Health Check once every five years.
- The check will assess your risk of some of the biggest causes of early death such as heart attack and stroke.
- These conditions can often be prevented, even if you have a family history of them.
- It only takes 20-30 minutes and involves a few questions and measurements, including a simple blood test to check your cholesterol.
- After the check you will receive free personalised advice to help you stay healthy.
Health checks help to prepare you for the future and identify ways to improve your health.
How to arrange your free
NHS health check
- If you think you are eligible but have not been invited, contact your GP surgery or contact Suffolk GP Federation to find out where you can get an NHS Health Check in your area.
- If you have any queries, please contact sgpfed.healthchecks@nhs.net.